Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My boob

So Sorry that I haven't been around lately but I just went through a once in a lifetime experience. I found a lump in my left breast about a year ago and have been seeing treatment and diagnostics about it for this entire semester. Finally, after a biopsy which showed that the lump can possibly be cancerous excision was recommended. This angered me, why would this happen at 21? I felt like its a punishment for using my boobs to my advantage. But after the surgery I was thankful this was caught in time instead of it developing into something more serious. After a semester of Doctors appointments and missing classes I was safe... from cancer at least. 5 cm of my body was removed when originally it was only supposed to be two. But now everything's gonna be all right. I think that's all I have to say about this though so ttyl =).

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