SO I need to kill time, my cousin is still not home.. ugh.. lol
Anyways I just finished watching Mission Impossible (yes the first one that came out in 96, when they still used floppy disks and VHS's lol yay!)
I Loved It!!!! Tom Cruise is my hero, at least for now. These are his babies, I love them all.. But I must say that I was dissapointed that Jack (Emilio Estevez) died first =( he was my fave! Besides Ethan.. it was very brutal how they all died in the first 15 minutes of the movie, and why do the frecnh always have to be bad? (Krieger and Sarah)
O well, I must say though, even though this one was great, I still loved the sequel the most. Nothing beats his sexiness climbing that mountain without a harness in the middle of nowhere and the lovely mythology tie on of Chimera and Bellerophon ( hair looked better in the second one too.
I will not mention the third movie, there is no need. Without it Mission Impossible is a perfect series.
anyways, love, yay!
enjoy =)
Hotness at 1:55 -2:00 sigh... why does he have to be crazy?
i love the song too..
Friday, August 29, 2008
School Started!!
Hey all!
I hope that this week hasn't been very eventful, yes school started but who wants to hit the books when Summer is still in the air? lol Well, nothing new in FIU except that I feel so freaking old in GC and I the classes that I need don't end until nine pm. But I'm glad to see old friends, I missed u guys <3 hug!
Anyways what I wanted to talk about today was finances!! YAY!!! As we all know, FIU lowered their online fee from $299 to $199. This is amazing, I have two online classes so i saved $200. Great, now I can buy my Legal Environment book.. yes it was 200 bucks... ridiculous, even online it was like $170 and no one had it because its a new edition. This is a shame how textbook companies overcharge students. Thank jeebus for four classes worth of books would've cost $700, instead I got them online for $400. Yay! that extra cash can pay my bills =). We should rebel, and not buy books, or burn them.. then we wouldn't have hw.. who's with me? lol
O and my sympathy goes out to everyone who was dropped from their class six hours before the start of the new school year. That was ridiculous, Financial Aid should fix their scholarship reevaluation system or let students know when loans don't fall through. I'm glad most of you got your classes fixed and I hope everything is running smoothly.
Anyways I ran out of thoughts because I was rudely interrupted by someone who wanted a party kit.. ahem.. lol Good luck in school all and I hope u can afford ur books.
I hope that this week hasn't been very eventful, yes school started but who wants to hit the books when Summer is still in the air? lol Well, nothing new in FIU except that I feel so freaking old in GC and I the classes that I need don't end until nine pm. But I'm glad to see old friends, I missed u guys <3 hug!
Anyways what I wanted to talk about today was finances!! YAY!!! As we all know, FIU lowered their online fee from $299 to $199. This is amazing, I have two online classes so i saved $200. Great, now I can buy my Legal Environment book.. yes it was 200 bucks... ridiculous, even online it was like $170 and no one had it because its a new edition. This is a shame how textbook companies overcharge students. Thank jeebus for four classes worth of books would've cost $700, instead I got them online for $400. Yay! that extra cash can pay my bills =). We should rebel, and not buy books, or burn them.. then we wouldn't have hw.. who's with me? lol
O and my sympathy goes out to everyone who was dropped from their class six hours before the start of the new school year. That was ridiculous, Financial Aid should fix their scholarship reevaluation system or let students know when loans don't fall through. I'm glad most of you got your classes fixed and I hope everything is running smoothly.
Anyways I ran out of thoughts because I was rudely interrupted by someone who wanted a party kit.. ahem.. lol Good luck in school all and I hope u can afford ur books.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
I cannot believe this...
I just saw on TMZ that apparently, the Jonas Brothers have been compared (alot) lately to the Beatles.
What type of ridiculous statement is that? yes... lets compare a group of prepubescent untalented boys to the most magnificent band in history that changed the world with their style of music, their lyrics, and their political views.
Recently a picture was taken of the Jonas Brothers leaving their hotel in Virginia Beach, the picture IS very similar to the cover of Abbey Road but I'm pretty sure that a group of people walking across the street also looks similar to these timeless giants. I am in shock that comparisons can stoop so low. Jonas = Beatles is like saying Zac Efron = Elvis

What type of ridiculous statement is that? yes... lets compare a group of prepubescent untalented boys to the most magnificent band in history that changed the world with their style of music, their lyrics, and their political views.
Recently a picture was taken of the Jonas Brothers leaving their hotel in Virginia Beach, the picture IS very similar to the cover of Abbey Road but I'm pretty sure that a group of people walking across the street also looks similar to these timeless giants. I am in shock that comparisons can stoop so low. Jonas = Beatles is like saying Zac Efron = Elvis

CD's - Dinosaurs
CD sales have been plummeting ever since the age of illegal downloading dawned in the early 2000. Unfortunately, many retail stores and chains, such as Walmart are getting rid of their music section. I think this is so sad, it's the end of an era kind of like when we were told that Pluto is not a planet anymore.
Just like the new non planet, CD's have been around since the mid 80's it is a shame that their reign was only during our generation. We will be the last to remember the joys of buying a new CD and bringing it home just to be tired of over playing it three hours later. This experience will die with us and that it sad =(.
"I see it as a generational shift. A new batch of kids -- i.e. today's teenagers -- grew up with music always available with the press of a button. They never knew the joy of heading to the CD store the day their favorite band's album was set to come out, then heading back home with that cellophane-encased treasure in their hands. To them, music is a concept, not a tangible object. It's a disposable file, not an invaluable possession. The mindset has undergone a massive transformation, and the stores are seeing the result."
People nowadays have become the Drive Thru Generation, we need to have things immediately. I for one will miss being able to hold a tangible piece of art in my hands and will miss the use of my boom box (yes I have 2 with cassette players and everything). I do not need iTunes or Limewire. I'm fine with pictures and stories and lyrics of the music attached with my compact disc. Unfortunately, "advancements" have to be made, but I do not think this is an important advancement that people should focus on. Music is not made in a computer, it is just transferred there. Future generations will not be able to differentiate between that statement and it makes me worried about how much life is going to change in the near future.
Until CD's are completely off the shelf, you can find me in FYE looking through the soundtracks =)

Cue In The Curtain: In-Store CD Sales Nearing An End:>1=40000
Just like the new non planet, CD's have been around since the mid 80's it is a shame that their reign was only during our generation. We will be the last to remember the joys of buying a new CD and bringing it home just to be tired of over playing it three hours later. This experience will die with us and that it sad =(.
"I see it as a generational shift. A new batch of kids -- i.e. today's teenagers -- grew up with music always available with the press of a button. They never knew the joy of heading to the CD store the day their favorite band's album was set to come out, then heading back home with that cellophane-encased treasure in their hands. To them, music is a concept, not a tangible object. It's a disposable file, not an invaluable possession. The mindset has undergone a massive transformation, and the stores are seeing the result."
People nowadays have become the Drive Thru Generation, we need to have things immediately. I for one will miss being able to hold a tangible piece of art in my hands and will miss the use of my boom box (yes I have 2 with cassette players and everything). I do not need iTunes or Limewire. I'm fine with pictures and stories and lyrics of the music attached with my compact disc. Unfortunately, "advancements" have to be made, but I do not think this is an important advancement that people should focus on. Music is not made in a computer, it is just transferred there. Future generations will not be able to differentiate between that statement and it makes me worried about how much life is going to change in the near future.
Until CD's are completely off the shelf, you can find me in FYE looking through the soundtracks =)

Cue In The Curtain: In-Store CD Sales Nearing An End:>1=40000
I am..
so mad right now, you have no idea...
why would people (in college or at least out of high school if they have no interest in bettering their future) spend their saturday night like that? Thats what pisses me off the most... you have no life, its sad, and its dragging peaople around you down.
dont be surprised if you get left back.
why would people (in college or at least out of high school if they have no interest in bettering their future) spend their saturday night like that? Thats what pisses me off the most... you have no life, its sad, and its dragging peaople around you down.
dont be surprised if you get left back.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Andrea's Clothes!

Andrea is my closet, she is the best closet in the world! err i mean friend.. lol she just bought me a dress back from new york, she is the best! I love borrowing her clothes. yay for being the same size! I will totally take advantage of her closet when i turn 21. she's my baby mama.. yay for clothes =)

Friday, August 15, 2008
I have a problem
I realized this today as I was finishing up Eclipse. Obviously I am a week and a half behind in the reader world because I just finished Stephanie Myers 3rd novel and the fourth is already out in bookstores. W/E. Water under the bridge... the reason why I have a problem is because I read a spoiler so I know whats going to happen in the fourth book. (no worries I won't do that to u) anyways the choice Bella has to make b/w Edward and Jacob.... omg if I were her I'd be selfish and take both, but since that's "not possible" I'm rooting for Jacob.
Werewolf vs Vampire, wtf. That's an easy answer.. if I had no knowledge of the books automatically I would've chosen vampires. Hello, Brad Pitt... Tom Cruise.. yeah, nuff said. All in all vampires have always been associated with a regal mystery and werewolves have never been the heroes. Look at Harry Potter, Fenrir Grayback was no charmer lol but as flat characters become round characters .. ahem .. the youth in La Push.. you see everything, everything that Bella would be leaving behind if she stayed with Edward. One question Ive had since the beginning of the series, would a vampire still love her when the first thing that attracted him to her was gone? (by that I mean the scent of her blood) If she becomes a vampire as well there will be no blood!!! O god she's stupid... Jacob truly loves her, they have great chemistry and back and forth fights and make ups.. its like a dream!! She's so dumb!! omg.. I'm going to go crazy. This is why I have a problem, everyone is "Team Edward" I'm "Team Jacob". This is difficult, first thing tomorrow I'm going to buy Breaking Dawn and I'm already ready to be disappointed. I wish Jacob was real =( I found where I'm going in Dec. Hello Forks, then La Push... I'm such a masochist, I cant wait to read Bella's unhappy ending.. ::sigh::
Werewolf vs Vampire, wtf. That's an easy answer.. if I had no knowledge of the books automatically I would've chosen vampires. Hello, Brad Pitt... Tom Cruise.. yeah, nuff said. All in all vampires have always been associated with a regal mystery and werewolves have never been the heroes. Look at Harry Potter, Fenrir Grayback was no charmer lol but as flat characters become round characters .. ahem .. the youth in La Push.. you see everything, everything that Bella would be leaving behind if she stayed with Edward. One question Ive had since the beginning of the series, would a vampire still love her when the first thing that attracted him to her was gone? (by that I mean the scent of her blood) If she becomes a vampire as well there will be no blood!!! O god she's stupid... Jacob truly loves her, they have great chemistry and back and forth fights and make ups.. its like a dream!! She's so dumb!! omg.. I'm going to go crazy. This is why I have a problem, everyone is "Team Edward" I'm "Team Jacob". This is difficult, first thing tomorrow I'm going to buy Breaking Dawn and I'm already ready to be disappointed. I wish Jacob was real =( I found where I'm going in Dec. Hello Forks, then La Push... I'm such a masochist, I cant wait to read Bella's unhappy ending.. ::sigh::

Thursday, August 14, 2008
The 3 Guys You Should Date Before Your Life is Over
OK the question that's been on every girls mind since earth was created. When is it time to settle down? Everyone has a different age in their life where something just clicks, others just get pregnant and have to deal with it lol buuuuuttttttttttt before anyone ever forcefully puts themselves in that type of situation you should take into consideration the three boys that should be in your life before its over.

Disclaimer, obviously since it is suggested that you date these types of guys, 2 out of the three have to end badly in order to complete the process.
#1 The Nice Guy
Why you should date him: He'll show you how your supposed to be treated. He keeps Chivalry alive and treats you like a princess, not one of the boys. The lessons you'll get from dating him is self worth. He'll never treat you below par and you should always take those standards with you.
Why it might not work out: Life isn't always sunshine and roses, sometimes conflicts are needed to make life interesting and often how you react in those situations shows exactly how much you care about that person. A guy who is always perfect never gives you that opportunity and after a while perfection might be wearing.
#2 The Intellectual
Why you should date him: Competition. This guy strives for the straight A's and is an overachiever. If you date this persona his need for succeed will rub off on you and in turn make you successful as well.
Why it might not work: Competition. Life would always be a competition. Who got better grades, who is more involved, who is over all smarter. If you are always competing, how can you be at ease with each other or even share opinions? Even though this relationship might be destined for failure, hopefully you take with you the importance of success that he has shown you and you use that knowledge to your advantage in your academic life and at work.
#3 The Free Spirit
Why you should date him: After being bombarded with chocolates, roses, and straight A's you need to be exposed to a different part of life that you would not venture through on regular terms. He will show you things, a new way to look at the world that will open your eyes.
Why it might not work: Free spirits tend to not have very stable incomes, its not fun to be in love and starving, unless you are madly, deeply, truly in love. But chances are you will get impatient and either nag him to get a job which in turn will make him lose his free spirit and he'll resent u forever... not fun lol
Well there you have it, before you settle down give everyone a chance, do not try to label them. But if your interested in different types of people that might better you as a person, these guys would be the top three. Now hopefully you'll find someone who embodies these three personas and become a better person in one shot but we'll see what happens lol

Disclaimer, obviously since it is suggested that you date these types of guys, 2 out of the three have to end badly in order to complete the process.
#1 The Nice Guy
Why you should date him: He'll show you how your supposed to be treated. He keeps Chivalry alive and treats you like a princess, not one of the boys. The lessons you'll get from dating him is self worth. He'll never treat you below par and you should always take those standards with you.
Why it might not work out: Life isn't always sunshine and roses, sometimes conflicts are needed to make life interesting and often how you react in those situations shows exactly how much you care about that person. A guy who is always perfect never gives you that opportunity and after a while perfection might be wearing.
#2 The Intellectual
Why you should date him: Competition. This guy strives for the straight A's and is an overachiever. If you date this persona his need for succeed will rub off on you and in turn make you successful as well.
Why it might not work: Competition. Life would always be a competition. Who got better grades, who is more involved, who is over all smarter. If you are always competing, how can you be at ease with each other or even share opinions? Even though this relationship might be destined for failure, hopefully you take with you the importance of success that he has shown you and you use that knowledge to your advantage in your academic life and at work.
#3 The Free Spirit
Why you should date him: After being bombarded with chocolates, roses, and straight A's you need to be exposed to a different part of life that you would not venture through on regular terms. He will show you things, a new way to look at the world that will open your eyes.
Why it might not work: Free spirits tend to not have very stable incomes, its not fun to be in love and starving, unless you are madly, deeply, truly in love. But chances are you will get impatient and either nag him to get a job which in turn will make him lose his free spirit and he'll resent u forever... not fun lol
Well there you have it, before you settle down give everyone a chance, do not try to label them. But if your interested in different types of people that might better you as a person, these guys would be the top three. Now hopefully you'll find someone who embodies these three personas and become a better person in one shot but we'll see what happens lol
Perfection.. Another day at work, another success... Amazing! sigh.. I think im going to make a video to this song (no not that kind) anyone want to be in my band?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Apparently there was a miscommunication, people thought that the song Butterfly was on my blog lol. Well due to popular demand here it is =) I hope u enjoy it as much as I do lol.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I'm Baaaaaccck!!
First of all I want to apologize for keeping my public waiting. I realized this blog is very important to me no matter how many stupid comments I make or how infinitely lost it is in cyber space. It's an outlet and a damn good one at that =) lol. Now that I'm finished with the introduction i wanted to talk today about the power of music.
I LOVE music, every since i was a screaming toddler I thought that the wretched noises coming out of me were harmonies lol. Anyways in my new job at ADI I spend the whole day listening to just listening. sometimes the right song hits the spot, it can be an old familiar one or one that I've never heard but their lyrics choke me up. It;s pretty pathetic actually having a worker sobbing in the corner because the imagery of the song is too strong, or beautiful.. but I only do that when everyone has left the office =P.
I may be the only crazy person who actually wants to see herself on the beach alone, with a radio, hearing these "things" reaching my ears matching the rhythm of the waves painting a picture of serenity in my mind. We're in college, we'll all grow up soon. What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't care, as long as I never lose this feeling. It's a feeling of want, of incompleteness that makes you reach for what you do and in the process leads you to beautiful things, in this case sounds... its love =) these songs are producing love for me. its love and hope and happiness and makes me me X). I'm sorry I'm getting mushy but I'm listening to I'm yours by Jason Mraz right now and this is the product of such a wonderful melody. I wish i was at the beach right now lol
Lately I've been listening to a lot of Kid Rock, Fanny Lu, and Jason Mraz. I do not know if they are the original songwriters, but the combined efforts of everyone in their party always produce masterpieces.
anyways, enough of the mushy stuff.. remember to listen always, not just to the pleasantries of the melody but to the lyrics as well. People who take the time to write for you should be heard, especially if it is not commercialized.
Peace and Love,
always =)
I LOVE music, every since i was a screaming toddler I thought that the wretched noises coming out of me were harmonies lol. Anyways in my new job at ADI I spend the whole day listening to just listening. sometimes the right song hits the spot, it can be an old familiar one or one that I've never heard but their lyrics choke me up. It;s pretty pathetic actually having a worker sobbing in the corner because the imagery of the song is too strong, or beautiful.. but I only do that when everyone has left the office =P.
I may be the only crazy person who actually wants to see herself on the beach alone, with a radio, hearing these "things" reaching my ears matching the rhythm of the waves painting a picture of serenity in my mind. We're in college, we'll all grow up soon. What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't care, as long as I never lose this feeling. It's a feeling of want, of incompleteness that makes you reach for what you do and in the process leads you to beautiful things, in this case sounds... its love =) these songs are producing love for me. its love and hope and happiness and makes me me X). I'm sorry I'm getting mushy but I'm listening to I'm yours by Jason Mraz right now and this is the product of such a wonderful melody. I wish i was at the beach right now lol
Lately I've been listening to a lot of Kid Rock, Fanny Lu, and Jason Mraz. I do not know if they are the original songwriters, but the combined efforts of everyone in their party always produce masterpieces.
anyways, enough of the mushy stuff.. remember to listen always, not just to the pleasantries of the melody but to the lyrics as well. People who take the time to write for you should be heard, especially if it is not commercialized.
Peace and Love,
always =)
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