Werewolf vs Vampire, wtf. That's an easy answer.. if I had no knowledge of the books automatically I would've chosen vampires. Hello, Brad Pitt... Tom Cruise.. yeah, nuff said. All in all vampires have always been associated with a regal mystery and werewolves have never been the heroes. Look at Harry Potter, Fenrir Grayback was no charmer lol but as flat characters become round characters .. ahem .. the youth in La Push.. you see everything, everything that Bella would be leaving behind if she stayed with Edward. One question Ive had since the beginning of the series, would a vampire still love her when the first thing that attracted him to her was gone? (by that I mean the scent of her blood) If she becomes a vampire as well there will be no blood!!! O god she's stupid... Jacob truly loves her, they have great chemistry and back and forth fights and make ups.. its like a dream!! She's so dumb!! omg.. I'm going to go crazy. This is why I have a problem, everyone is "Team Edward" I'm "Team Jacob". This is difficult, first thing tomorrow I'm going to buy Breaking Dawn and I'm already ready to be disappointed. I wish Jacob was real =( I found where I'm going in Dec. Hello Forks, then La Push... I'm such a masochist, I cant wait to read Bella's unhappy ending.. ::sigh::

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