Monday, November 7, 2011

Work, Work, Work, Work..

A hilarious take on what work life should truly be lol. Joel Stein made me laugh throughout his entire article "Nice Work if You Can Avoid It". Sounds like a dream boss =). If you have access to time magazine, check it out at the link below.,9171,2096831,00.html

Monday, September 26, 2011

Time really needs to stop going by so fast...

One of my favorite bands, always brings a smile to my face =)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Are you watching?

Jaymay - Grey or Blue

You haven't written to me in a week I'm wondering why that is
Are you too nervous to be lovers, friendships ruined with just one kiss

But your sweatshirt says it all with the hood over your face
I can't keep staring at your mouth without wondering how it tastes
I'm with another boy; he's asleep, I'm wide awake
And he tried to win my heart, but it's taken time

Don't second guess your feelings you were right from the start
And I notice she's your lover, but she's nowhere near your heart
This city is for strangers, like the sky is for the stars
But I think it's very dangerous if we do not take whats ours

And I'm winning you with words because I have no other way
I'd love to look into your face without your eyes turning away

Monday, June 13, 2011

College Graduation Rings

I think this is a wonderful tradition. It is a reminder of your achievement of slaving away for years to get your degree.. and you can actually wear it everyday unlike your diploma. It's a shame when people "don't want to waste money on that sort of thing" or when they don't realize the power of networking it has when presented in certain situations. One look at your college graduation ring and you will be surrounded by questions such as "Oh, where did you attend?", "What was your major?", "What year did you graduate?", etc. My ring is similar to the one in the picture below. I am proud to be wearing a reminder of my FIU days and the late all nighters needed to get through International Finance and Strategic Marketing. Case and point, everyone should get one when the time comes.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Soo.. for some reasons most of my friends are gaga over Ultra and other music festivals. Because I refuse to spend $300 to stand next to a druggie who's having the time of his life, next best alternative was... Swedish House Mafia (a mere $50 for a day full of fun). All in all it was a great experience, I didn't see any of the stereotypical taboos that you are convinced you would find at that sort of event.. :: people overdosing in the bathrooms or orgies everywhere you turn :: The music was good with a set designed to have a better DJ after the next .I kind of like the earlier ones better like Dirty South or that guy there that was that guys little brother blah blah blah, also someone messed up with the order when they chose Pete Tong to go before SHM, or Pe Tetong as my friends call him lol. SHM entertained but didn't impress, me at least. Maybe next time they should do an encore. Moral of the story, would I do it again? It would have to be with the right crowd but everything should experience a music festival at least once in their lives =).

Friday, March 4, 2011


Everyone knows they're fun, but are they really cost effective? Well you do get to visit more than one location at a time, they provide a room to sleep, food, transportation, and on board entertainment. But then again there are hidden fees.. like a $10 gratuity per day per person, excursions and souvenirs at every city, let alone the taxi rides from the port to downtown all add up. In the end though I'm a glutton for punishment. I've been on two cruises before, both on Carnival, both great experiences. The 1st went to Key Biscayne and Cozumel, the 2nd to the Bahamas. Now I am planning my 3rd and am torn in between the Valor which stops in Cozumel, Grand Cayman, Belize, and Honduras, and the Liberty which stops in Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Jamaica. What to do, what to do... We'll find out this weekend. Any tips please let me know! Thank you! =)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Little Feet

It sucks having little feet. I am a size 5, at most. Do you know how many designers don't make size 5 shoes? Do you know how hard it is to find a good pair of size 5 shoes? People who complain about big feet should stop complaining. They probably get all their shoes on sale because it's always the last pair and no one buys it. Congratulations, now lets get something like that going for the little people please...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Academy Awards 2011

And the results are:

Best Picture, The King's Speech
Best Actor, Colin Firth
Best Actress, Natalie Portman
Best Supporting Actor, Christian Bale
Best Supporting Actress, Melissa Leo
Director, The King's Speech
Adapted Screenplay, The Social Network
Original Screenplay, The King's Speech
Best Song, "We Belong Together"
Animated Feature, Toy Story 3

Well I only named the important ones and the major upsets... Everything was expected except Best Song. Really?? "We Belong Together"??? That should have gone to "If I Rise" or any of the other ones in the category. Congratulations Colin Firth, I have liked you since you appeared in "What a Girl Wants" with Amanda Bynes. But.... Jesse did an AMAZING job in the Social Network... incredible... Oh well, next year. Melissa Leo should have been disqualified after that commercial she did for herself... what kind of publicist or manager would let her do something like that? Also Best Movie... Although they had a great group of actors, I think the Social Network impacted more to our generation. My last opinion would be that 127 hours was robbed. It deserved to win more Oscars than Inception and the Wolfman, wtf was that??? Oh well.. Congratulations to the winners. Can't wait til next year! =)

Sunday, February 27, 2011


So I got my teeth whitened this Friday! I'm so happy, not that I had bad teeth =S it just never hurts to brighten your smile. The dentist used the Zoom Teeth Whitening System, all in all I was in that chair for like an hour and fifteen minutes but I saw results immediately! They even took before and after pics =D. There was a slight discomfort because yes, your teeth are being burned with a laser. But the only lasting result is that me being a tiny girl, my mouth was too small for the mouth guard so it left my mouth sore =(. Oh well, can't wait to wear red lipstick! All we need now is an occasion B).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

SunPass Only

So if you live in Miami you already know that Tolls will now be SunPass only or Pay-By-Plate (which is where they take a picture of your license plate and send a monthly statement to the registered address). It's a shame because toll worker who have dedicated 10, 20, or 30 years of their life to serving others will find themselves out of a job if they do not have the computer skills needed to complete the administrative tasks associated with Pay-By-Plate. I am not saying that I will miss the long sweaty lines, or that SunPass is not convenient, but that it is not needed. My parents who hardly go on the highway will probably receive an invoice of $0.25 for the one time they drove to the beach in an envelope that cost more than the fee. This is however a good way to increase USPS flow but is it really saving that much money over hired personnel to work the tolls? Regardless of our opinions it is now written in stone that tolls on the Turnpike shall be paperless, thankfully the Key Biscayne toll will still keep the hope for all toll-workers alive. As of now there are no plans to fully digitize entrance to the Key. Bye Bye all who faithfully served the highways of Miami, hopefully there is a light at the end of your tunnel.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sigma Tel Audio

So apparently the Sigma Tel Audio is super important to your computer lol. I had no idea it controlled the audio even though it says it in the title and I uninstalled it during a routine Spring Cleaning. I thought it was an old add on from one of my old ISM classes =/. Yes, I had no volume for a full forty min. That's when my ingenuity kicked in and I decided to Google how to solve the problem and eventually downloaded the program fixing it all by myself. So proud I can be so handy! =D. End of my 1st adventure for the day, how exciting lol.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentine's Day

So I had a lot of fun seeing as how I was celebrating Valentines's Day and not Single Awareness Day lol. Had some Sushi with my babe and watched The Eagle with Channing Tatum.. the scene were they eat the raw mole is super romantic. Saw Just Go with It as well over the weekend and found it to be a more humorous alternative. Adam Sandler throwing his fake child into the mud can make you laugh. Anyways, hope you had a good time however you spent it =)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Final Semester at FIU

So this is my final semester at FIU and I am ecstatic. I apologize for my absence but it has been quite a ride. From Interning at the Fed in DC to traveling to Spain, becoming Director of Public Relations for my fraternity and winning LipSync in Homecoming, to trying to have a future after graduation by applying for the perfect job, to applying for graduation this week. Wow, how time flies. For now I will try to record the happennings of my final semester like becoming a safer driver due to the implementation of cameras at street lights and suffering an identity crisis due to the change in the horoscope. Let's end this school year with a bang!

See you soon!
