Monday, March 8, 2010

Our Favorite Beauty Queen Wins an Oscar =)

Sandra Bullock is the first Actress to ever win Bet Actress and Worst Actress in the same weekend =). The lovely 45 year old finally won her first Oscar for her role in The Blind Side and won a Razzie for her role in All About Steve. I'm sure both recognitions were prestigious, and bizarrely gratifying at the same time. Bad PR is better then no PR. As she graciously accepted her Razzie, she jokingly said "Thank you so much, I was told no one watched the movie but now I can see that's not true. For sure at least the 700 Razzie members watched it" or something along those lines. When she accepted her Oscar she thanked mommas everywhere for taking care of children even if they are not biologically theirs. Aww how sweet. Congrats to all her achievements, she deserved it for Miss Congeniality ;)

Muaz =)

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