Sunday, November 9, 2008

On Being 21

I just turned 21 last week, and let me tell you.. so far it was been one of the best experiences in my life. Not just because now I can legally buy alcohol and am more proned on getting a DUI, but just because I have had so many people express their love and appreciation for me just cuz its my bday lol. What are friends for if not for buying you shots and dragging you out of a bar when you're super gone? Or maybe surrounding you with garbage bags so that you wont purge on their couch because they are offering their home to you? lol. Being 21 opens so many doors, my first 21 and over club was a pretty sober experience, but an experience nonetheless. I loved just dancing with my friends, no restrictions, I can do whatever I please because nothing can stop us now! David Guetta, Rihanna, Pitbull, and the best of the 90's were there to cheer us on. Amazing.. I still get lost sometimes and it always slips "How old do you have to be to get in?" Pau Pau caught me the other day and I beamed when I realized I don't have to ask anymore. The only bad side, it's all downhill from here lol. Now I only have retirement to look forward to. I wish more people had an open mind though. Alcohol is not the only way to have a good time and party. I am waiting for some suggestions to see if anyone is creative enough in order to offer alternatives. If you find anything let me know, I am officially old enough to do whatever I please =)

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