To some select few of the fallen pledges that will never read this- i miss you, and wish you would've given it a second chance or the other way around..
Abdel- you are beautiful, I've never seen anyone so accomplished and really look up to you. I think Lily is also beautiful and you are both very lucky. Take care of each other and you better invite me to the wedding! =)
Akeiro- You know what a think, I hope I can actually visit you in the Bahamas next time even if it's not for your wedding ;P
Alan Rivera- Where r u? I miss you so much =( even though you already graduated I know AKPsi was a huge part of your life before, maybe you can make some time for us in the after. Congratulations in advance, I know you will do many great things in life.
Albert Marrero- I'm glad I got to see you again =) Thank you for all your help
FOFO- i PROMISE you i will go out to one of the games to see how well you coach my sisters, other than that I love your special meal thats only come when it's in season and I love you as a person. you are very sincere and I know if anything ever happens I can always count on you
Alejandra Maruri- PCB!!! I missed you when you came to visit =( But I always remember your lion king song (Pink Iguanas, penguins and bananas!!!) lol, Even though you're so far away, you still bring a smile to my face X)
Cool- no i do not think you're a creeper, you're amazing and a huge softy at heart. The best pillow there is and I know that you'll always have a shoulder for me if something happens<3
Alexis Zaldivar- Congratulations on all your accomplishments old BOB! lol Thank you for always making an effort, you're really special...
Alain Hernandez- for some reason if i see you i just HAVE to smile =)
Alison- when the hell are we gonna go party in Nica??? lol and thanks for the thing on wed ;) lol
ANA MORALES- I LOVE MY WIFEY!!!!!!!!!! bebe we need another wingman date, thank you very much ...
Andres Correa - Big... I love how you're not afraid of anything and I no you're there for me if anything because yo've proved it on some occasions, I'm glad i chose you (and you accepted lol) and i love you cuddle buddy <33
Andres Rodriguez- I have nothing but love for you, you are the epitome of "always do the right thing" congratulations on all your accomplishments, I'm truly happy for you =)
Rob bell- is an interesting character and always has something to say, you should come around more often =)john perez- does have a sexy smile ;) fish and beans all the way lol
Brandon Alexander- I hope you are happy wherever you are, he is the only brother who ever intimidated me lol.
Carlos- lil!!!!!!!! I love your face and I'm glad you look at it every morning because it's a beautiful one =) I love you soooo sooo much, and you give the best hugs <3 Thanks for staying up with me til 3 or 4 in the morning hearing me vent during the summer <3 lol
Cesar Ruiz- where'd you go?
Cesar Castillo- loves always, AO! Glad you cut that hair lol
Charlie Chan- Roomie! <333333333 I love your work ethic and how you take school seriously, you proved me wrong about some people, hopefully it never happens again.. but if it does, protect me please <3
Christina Smith- It makes me happy when you come back and visit =)Chris lawton - I wish you came around more often, it makes me happy when you do =) Hope everything is well!
Robert Chung- MY VPM IS THE COOLEST VPM EVER!!! just because of something that happened but I am so happy to have him in my life again, he came back for a second bachelor and is in some of my classes. Thank you for feeding me and I am so sorry about your sister...
Danny Pamp- <333333333 Do i really have say anything? I'll tell you in person ;)
Danissa Gutierrez- where are you my sexy little sausage, You're so fun to be around.. I wish you came back <3
Danny Duarte- I HOPE you are HAPPY wherever you are. That is what your truly deserve in life, all the happiness in the world and success.
Danny gonzalez- Love me, hump me, get me from behind... - nuff said... oh.. and sexy ankles ;)
Daphne Gaetjens- I really wish we had an interview =( thanks for helping me out with finance =)
Desire Hernandez- que salsera.. can't wait to go out with you again =)
Deya- BOB!!!! Thank you so much for helping out with LC!!! I hope you had fun and that we do well in finance !! Same goes for you too though, when are we gonna party in Nica??
Donn Kamundilus- Great Gbig! muaz!I've heard wonderful stories =) Doug londono- where you at ???
Dulce Duran- we practically wore the same dress to prom!!! haha we planned it ;) Beautiful girl, congratulations on everything!
Elizabeth Cho- when are you gonna hook me up with a drink!?!?! I'm old enough now i promise =)
Elizabeth gil- i LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! I wish we hung out more, but whenever I see you its a blast... I love my bitches =)
Emma- i already said it, super proud of you.. you are a whole new woman =)
Farah Mohsin- makes all the other girls look like craaaaaappppppp (cept for me ;P) lol come back so you can get many people jealous
Fareed Issa- I love you my Thai buddy! she is not your daughter, but Im sure she'd love to be
Francys- you know ;) I'm glad we got on the right side in the end with some things in common, thank you for everything =) you need to visit more often!
Frank Leon- SPLAT!!! fucker didnt sign me into class.. but I love my DR buddy! someone needs to bring him back <3
Gabby Torres- LOCA!!! Wish you would come back for your last couple of weeks =( Must party soon..
Gabriel Oms- my muffin man !!! =) Good times always, thank you for being you
Gaby Santiago- sometimes i'm scared someone's gonna call you out =/ but ur such a good girl and very sweet deep down.
Genesis- left too soon, love your hot new body =)
Georgia- made me hold a pee stick!!! lol jk ;) I always imitate your "if i were a boy" lol
Carla Ferris- ay ay ay ay mi amor!!! I miss you bitch!!!!!!!!!!! I was sincerely jealous when you got a bf, i felt as if he took you away too soon. =( but we must repeat the good times.. they'll just have to be cleaner and with less men... hahaha love u so much brosis <3
GONZALO MONCALEANO- COME BACK NOW!!!!!!!! my wonderful PCB that if he ever needed anything I'm there, even if i had to fly to colombia. Thank you for being there when I was hurting, it meant a lot and I hope that every happy moment in our lives we are there for each other <3
Humberto Busto- Busto, busto, busto, you were the first person in the chapter, pledge class, fraternity, whatever that was there for me and I appreciate you so much for that. Unfortunately you were in a bad relationship and you changed a little. I still need some time but if anything ever happens to you I hope you know that I am always here for you no matter what I'll be there (yes just like the cheesy song) I hope what happened never happens again because it is a matter of family and respect. regardless, i do consider you family and if anything major happens to me I would love to share those events for you. You know my relationship with my family, whenever i would dream of my wedding (gay i know!!) i'd see you giving me away... Thats how much you mean to me buddy... don't let me down againIsmale Iribar- always tries to reunite me with my gainesville boyfriend, glad you became one of us but miss u
Isselle- DO I HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING?!?!? i don't think words can explain but you know you're my sunshine =)
Jackie Ginarte- this girl knows how to get down... I love spending time with her, doesnt sugarcoat anything and thats my fave characteristic of her <3
Michael Jadoo- I owe so much to you mike, thank you for all that you do! You have helped make my life a success. I hope everything is well in California!
Jaime Montalvan- oh inca, I don't know if you remember but in our first semester as brothers something happened and the only person who could relate was you. Thank you for taking the time to help me through it and thanks for all the good times. I hope you're not graduating soon so we can have more =0)
Jean- where r u ???
Jellane- Thanks for coming back, congratulations on graduation =)
Jen Houston- AO Booby Buddy! ur crazy but i adore you. Can't wait to see you soon. I'm so glad we went through the pledge process together and enjoyed everything we've shared. We still need a Spice Girls Kareoke Night!!!!
Jenny Espinal- sorry I missed ur bday =( hope it was a fun time =)
Jessica Godard- i already said it! lol I heard you made a goal, congrats! and i can't believe you wore boots on the field =)
Jin- were are you =( ur such a cutie, wish you were around more
Jose alvarez- you insert bad name here... I can't believe you're MIA! I want to go on your boat again... Hope you're well =) truly, ily.. miss u
Jose estevez- the sistine chapel sucks... but ur the best <3 miss u, hope ur well and can't wait til we dance again =)
Judene- I loved spooning with you at PBLI ;), miss you and wish you were around more often.
karina cossio- Disney! You will forever remind me of Whinnie the Pooh Kevin- where the hell is our album!!!!! I loved you Jaime brought you around <33
Kristi Gonzalez- Treasurer mama! Hope you're well =) Larhone- tatas.. Love you, you sexy bitch <3 =)
Laura Elizalde- GBig who turned jewish?
Leilani- i love being naughty with you <3333 thank you for saving me from all my classes, beauty u da beessttt =) Hope you liked ur present!
Leslie- VPM mama! Thank you for this great opportunity, I hope we get to hang out in nica soon (i found passes for $200!!! =D)
Lidia alvarez- I would do u right now!!! I love you so much !! you are such a trip and i wish you came back!
Maru- my love, U've been there for me through everything. I appreciate you sso much. Looking forward to more times where we get locked out of our apartment and hopefully be roomies in DC !!! <3 love you !
Linda Ward- i miss u babe... i miss being 3 years old with you
Lynn Diptee- Pixie ;)
Marisa Barone- Miss you! wish we hung out more
Marti Lobos- hope to get to know you better soon =)
Matt ohashi- i loved him, tmobile hook up! where are u buddy. I loved how ur gf surprised me =)
Meaghan James- hope to see you around more often!mei-ling rosario- mama!!! we need a drink!!!! I'm going to make up missing your bday. Miss you!!! Looking forward to more good times.
Melissa Vargas- so strong, I commend youMichelle Rodriguez- I'm glad we have mutual friends outside of AKPsi
Miley Arguello- where do i no you from before???Monica rodriguez- drove me crazy!! But was fun =)
Monica Singletary- you are my homecoming queen. Love you PCB
mohammed eltikania- hope you come back safe =)
Munyaka- Thank you for being so strong, it's taught me alot. I hope your life is going well
Nadia Lima- little! I'm so proud of all your endeavors. Miss you =)
Andrea Narino- BABY MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEE YYYYYYOUUUU!!!
Nattaly Morales- i love your brownies. Thank you for all your hard work! <3 Best shadow ever.
nicholi maillard- Nick, our third musqueteer. Miss you! Still jealous that you're leaving me too.
Oren- Roomie! I hope theres more South Beach moments to come. Thanks for being patient with me =)
Oscar cepero- why are you so far away =((( Miss you teddy bear.
Paola- mi amor <3 thank you for being you. Can't wait til you isselle and i have kids =)
Paul calderon- Finally! I miss the old you, but I'll deal with the new one <3
Rafael Gabeiras- I'm still so sorry! lol Love you!
Richard Lopez- best director of Finance! Thank you for all your help! Can't wait til ur presidency ends so we can have fun =) Thank you for everything.
Rob sepulveda- should've met up in amsterdam man!!
Alex ROCK!!!!!- my european love. Can't wait to build more memories! <33333333 love you
Ruel- waiting for great things =)
Ryan Mckinley- u never wrote back!!!! <33 lol
Sam Jaques- wish you came around! Thanks for letting me know when break was =)
Sara Ignacio- you made me feel so tall and I loved you for it =)Saul- I hope you will always see me as a friend. Love you
Senen Garcia- Thank you for all you do =)
Sherene- >.< Congrats on everything! I am proud of you PCB
Sherwin- you are a life saver and i love your hugs! Thanks for always reminding me to pay attention in class.
Stephanie Ollino- Ay I didnt mean to scare you! Thank you for always inviting me to things, sorry that Im always busy but I appreciate how you take me into account. I promise I'll be there at an event soon <3
Stephen Hassan- Bones! I love your hugs and how you always think of me. I hope graduation is all you expected and more. Miss you!
Teri- PCB, I'm so glad we pledged together, I dunno what i would do without your warmth <3
Tia- tres fab
Tony Gutierrez- Mi amor!!!! I miss you so much. I can't wait to party with you soon!
Travis Ramsey- Thank you for always coming around =)
Vero- thanks so doing everything lol but breathe!
Vinnie Rodriguez- my big!! who is a professional soccer player for ecuador. =) Dinner soon please =)
Yami Martinez- thank you for being so good to my best friend =)
Yasser- Thanks for coming back =)
Yuri Velasco- i saw you doing something naughty ;)
Zeliha Beyoglu- agh!!! My apple bottom jeans!!!! Need to Party Soon!
Alan davidson- So glad you finally became one of us, can't wait to have great times with you soon =)
Aliza- just keep smiling, just keep smiling =D
Miss Berry- u took alot of my lip gloss lol
Ana Diaz- keep up the good work.
Andres Agudelo- french buddy!!!! Glad you're one of us now =)
Hochoy- Thank you for listening to me vent <3 lol
Rice- Love you Rice Patty
Bess- I just punched you =) good times =)
Diana Hernandez- how do we never do our hw and still get awesome grades? lol
Gabriel Marin- i want to see you drunk!
Greg fernandez- BOB!!! I hope this is a really good semester =)
Jarrod- I want to see you grow
Jason- thank you for the sweater, that was true brotherhood =)
John reguera- love you... period
Kathy Maceda- I know how you will feel in 3 years lol
Kellie- smile babe =)
Lisette- GL in J&J!
Luis Sanches- I am ur sibling, get over it
Melvin- glad ur hear, love your hugs =) ill try and get you the fake
Michael Lamarre- you're so sweet
Mohales- Little! you're very ambitious, congrats on your success but remember to breathe! <3
Monica Rivas- i loved how you came out exasperated in the potluck from that "interview" get ready for more of those lol
Nati Piedra- boi want to go on your boat lol
Neala- Hope we do well in class =)
Nicole- I want more edward/jacob nights!
Sheena- Good job with the pledges =)
Tyrone- we need to have sushi =)
Vicky- i love how you spell my name =)
Forever AO though ;)

Do you get money for me leaving you comments???
Jocy I love you tons don't think I've forgotten about you <3 you got me a gorgeous wallet in my favorite color from Thailand, and when I go on my excursion Imma get you something better in return <3
I love you,
ahhh!!1 love you woman!
Jocelyn Baez- became the funniest person the moment she volunteered to repeat the 'joke' whenever I wanted to. enough times at your house to say I have slept with you in your cartoon sheets. keeping your grey sweater hostage. too many times to be my respaldo. thanks for being the source of entertainment i always need. and yess.. pobrecito kids rushing akpsi lol
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