Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Lunch

Hey guys! So last weekend we had a thanksgiving lunch to raise money for relay for life . I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and for coming out on saturday. We raised enough money for our goal and as far as i know everyone enjoyed themselves =). I hope that everyone has a happy thanksgiving and spends a wonderful day with their families tomorrow! Thanks so much for everything and remember to eat as much turkey tomorroa as you possibly can =).

Please take the poll on the side to see what your favorite Thanksgiving food is =D and for recipe ideas for thanksgiving you can search for them in the Google bar below, thanks !

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My like 5 million Bdays lol

Hey !!! lol Well I just wanted to say thank you so much for everyone who has made all of my bday parties special and for everyone who has wished me a happy birthday. The hoedown was great, the bday dinner was delicious, my bday spent at school was awesome, and my bday party was the best lol. Im glad that most of my friends got to share at least one of these happy moments with me and also im thankful that i have so many people in my life who love me so much! I can't ask for better friends and I already have the best parents and boyfriend in the world, so boo yeahh!! .. thats right get jealous lol. Anyways I promise to post a picture up soon but for now take the poll lol tell me which party you liked the best. Love you loads!! bye ;).